Tripoli's Alliances

Job's Daughters

Job’s Daughters International® is a premier organization for young women that provides a wholesome environment based on the foundation of high morals, love of country, love of family and friends and respect for others throughout the world. It is a living organization dedicated to meeting the needs of young women today and their challenges of tomorrow.

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Wisconsin DeMolay

The main mission of DeMolay is the building of better citizens and creating leaders through the development of character in young men. The very heart of DeMolay is eliminating any young man’s feeling of nothingness and giving him the feeling of somebody.

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Daughters of the Nile

Daughters of the Nile is an international fraternal organization for women 18 years or older who are related by birth or marriage to a Shriner, Master Mason, or Daughter of the Nile, or is a majority member in Good Standing of a Masonic-related organization for girls; or who was a patient, with or without Shrine or Masonic relationship, at a Shriners Hospital for Children®. Founded in Seattle, Washington, in 1913, Daughters of the Nile members total 20,000 in 133 cities throughout the United States and Canada.

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Order of the Eastern Star!

Eastern Star is a social order comprised of persons with spiritual values, but it is not a religion. Its appeal rests in the true beauty of the refreshing and character-building lessons that are so sincerely portrayed in its ritualistic work. A deep fraternal bond exists between its members. It is the wholesome relationship of sisterly and brotherly love brought about through high principles exemplified in our lives which makes us near and dear to each other.

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